2021 Languages Symposium

Key Theme: Critical engagement with culture in globalised Asia Pacific language education

We examine this question amidst the ongoing Coronavirus epidemic and in an era where traditional and contemporary multicultural performances and traditions are reinventing themselves in the global cyberspace. In light of these developments, we seek to explore how cultural traditions are being incorporated into language and culture education classrooms.

This main theme will be addressed through three interdisciplinary panels running throughout the year. Each panel will focus on sub-themes seeking to explore multiple dimensions and responses to our main theme. The flagship will conclude with a one-day roundtable event to be held on 26 November 2021, in which representatives from all the panels will analyse what we have learned this year about the nature of language and culture education development in this new era. The Roundtable will feature as a panel discussion at the LCNAU 2021 Sixth Biennial Colloquium.

Outcomes for the 2021 flagship will be documented and coordinated on this page and will include links to print publications and online resources.

Panel: Cultural Diversity in Hindi Language Education.

Lead by: Peter Friedlander

Location: Online

Panel: Motivation and Intercultural Dialogue in Advanced Language Learning

Lead by: Carol Hayes and Toshiyuki Nakamura

Location: Online

Panel: Multilingualism, culture-language maintenance and education in Asia and the Pacific

Lead by: I Wayan Arka, Duck-Young Lee, Carmel O'Shannessy, Yanyin Zang)

Date: 18th, 19th, 25th November

Location: Online

Final Roundtable: Critical engagement with Culture in Globalised Asia Pacific Education

Date: 26th of November, as part of the Languages and Cultures Network for Australian Universities, Sixth Biennial Colloquium: Decentring and diversifying languages and cultures

Location: Online

Click here to register and for more information.