Tok Pisin toolkit links



  • Tok Pisin-English & English-Tok Pisin Dictionary
  • A video about Tok Pisin
    • A basic background to the Tok Pisin language
  • Ples i bagarap, a film by Kossack Abuli
    • 84 minutes
    • This film was written by a Papua New Guinean, based on his family life story. The actors speak much slower than they would naturally, which is why the film is appropriate for beginners. Use with subtitles and/or view in excerpts
    • For listening comprehension and building cultural awareness


  • Wantok niuspepa – ‘Wantok newspaper’
    • A valuable resource for all levels, appropriate for reading comprehension exercises or (for more advanced students) discussion about current issues
  • EmTV Nesenel Nius long Tok Pisin – ‘EmTV National News in Tok Pisin’
    • Excellent for listening comprehension exercises and/or discussions about current issues
  • Em rong blo mi yet‘It’s my own fault’, a film by Matupit Darius
    • 94 minutes
    • An educational film about HIV/AIDS in PNG
    • For listening comprehension and building cultural awareness



  • ‘Election Fever’: Kanjimei 2012, a film by Darja Hoenigman
    • 33 minutes
    • Password protected: contact us <link>
    • For listening comprehension and building cultural awareness
  • Kanage
    • A popular PNG comedian representing a PNG grassroots character and addressing burning social issues through humour